Data-driven indoor classes, using personal FTP (functional threshold power) so that everyone trains within their own relative power zones. We have three main different types of RIDE classes - ENDURANCE, POWER, PEAK.Our classes are performance based with great music, motivational coaches and an awesome adventure-inspired community to get you through. We use market-leading power bikes that allow you to measure and record all your training data. We are currently in the middle of a 10-week RIDE STRONG program at the studio (16 Jan - 20 March 2023) and so you will see different RIDE class names on the schedule during this time. Come and try it out!
Our Strength & Conditioning classes are geared towards functional training for injury prevention and bullet proofing our athletes. An absolute must for longevity so that we can keep doing the sports and adventures we love. We use a combination of free-weights, resistance bands and body weight and depending on the weather and season, these classes are either indoors or outdoors.
This is a Spring/Summer session outdoors. Body-weight plyometric training working through a series of quick, powerful movements performed with power and at a high speed. Think jump squats, jump lunges, step-ups, box jumps, skaters, mountain climbers, unilateral jumoing etc. These sessions will help you become faster, stronger, and more agile in your sport, plus they are a great way to build a little mental toughness to be able to 'conquer your own mountain'.
For now, our run club is on hold but we will be re-introducing it onto the schedule in Spring. We have two types of weekly outdoor running sessions - BRIDGES OR STAIRS and SPEED INTERVALS. All runners are welcome to these sessions, as long as you can run a slow 8km in one go. The warmup and cool down are always nice and slow running together as a group but the intervals are done at your own pace and effort. These sessions are a must for all trail runners and any runner looking to improve their general power and speed. We always start and end at City Alps.
Enjoy our 20 - 45 minute online class recordings. Anywhere. Anytime.
We have saved over 300 previous zoom class recordings: cardio, strength & conditioning, core, band work, mobility + stretch, dynamic warm-up routines, running drills, injury prevention sessions and so much more.
All these sessions supplement your usual endurance training (cycling, running, triathlon or other) and are also perfect when travelling or to fit into your busy schedule at home. We also have OPEN MAT sessions at the studio where you can do your own training and use these recordings.